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Remodeling and Resizing Your Vintage Fur Coats in Denver

July 13, 2016

Vintage fur coats can be so beautiful, and can also have sentimental value if they belonged to a loved one. They can evoke precious memories, and you really do want to keep it. It's been hanging in your closet ever since you received it, however. And understandably, it is just too out of date to be seen in. What's a girl to do? Consider restyling your vintage fur coat instead of getting rid of it or continuing to hide it in your closet. Here at Jonval, we can help you get that coat out of your closet by re-sizing and remodeling it into something you will be proud to wear. Here are some common Denver fur coat remodels to consider.

Take Off the Sleeves

If you’re looking for great fur restyling ideas, you may want to consider removing the sleeves and transforming that full coat into something sleeker. Removing the sleeves and creating a fitted silhouette can make a great fur vest to accent your favorite outfits. You can also turn vintage fur coats into fur shawls or cloaks for a new look.

Change the Length

Sometimes you don’t want a long, flowing, heavy coat that provides extreme warmth. You may want something you can wear in cool weather. Restyling your vintage fur into something lighter can satisfy this need without having to invest in a new coat. The length of the coat is one of the easiest things to change. We can transform your long vintage fur coat into a shorter jacket.

Create Fur Accessories

Keep in mind that you don't have to keep your fur in the form of a coat. You can turn an older fur coat into several sweet accessories that you can either wear together or as separate pieces. For instance, one fur coat could be transformed into a fur hat, fur handbag, etc. That way you can use the fur as an accent and wear it with lots of different outfits. If you are shortening your coat, consider using the leftover fur to create at least one fur accessory.

Consider Sheering

Just about any type of real fur can be sheered. Cutting back the fur will create an entirely new look. "Sheering" refers to shortening the fur so you are left with only the soft under hairs. These hairs are extremely soft to the touch and are often much more appealing for wearers. This process can also make for a lighter garment.

Transform the Entire Coat

It is also possible to take the coat apart and create a whole new coat from the same pieces of fur, depending on the style and size of your coat. This is an excellent way to get a brand new coat out of a classic fur.

So you can see that there are many things we can do that will change the look of your coat and transform it into the latest fur fashion. Which means that you can get that heirloom, vintage fur coat out of your closet and feel proud to wear it.
Jonval can help you breathe new life into your vintage coat. We can supply the right care and attention to detail so that your real furs can look like new and become something you’ll want to wear. If you’re looking for a furrier to remodel and resize your vintage furs in Denver, contact us at 720-377-1555. We can provide the services you need to update your vintage fur coats.