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How to Choose a Leather Conditioner

Your leather jacket is designed to last for years even with regular wear. The material is incredibly durable, and when the jacket is made by a reputable and high-quality company, you can expect it to look like-new for years to come without trouble. But you’ll still need to condition your leather regularly to keep it supple and hide any scuffs or minor blemishes that might make the leather look older than it is. Choosing the right leather conditioner can be tough if you’re not sure where to start. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice.

Consider the Type of Leather You Have
Believe it or not, not all leather conditioners are designed to treat all types of leather. Before you pick one up, identify the type or types of leather your jacket is made of. If you have suede, you’ll want to avoid most leather conditioners. But if you have full-grain leather or to-grain leather, you’ll want to look for conditioners that are designed to provide moisture and improve the look of those types of leather. If you’re not sure what your jacket is made of, consider stopping by your local leather repair specialist and asking their advice.

Be Careful About Waterproofing
Leather is resilient. It can get wet and, when properly dried and cleaned, will look just as good as it did before you wore your leather jacket in wet conditions. But many conditioners advertise that they’ll make your jacket waterproof. 

Using these conditioners will change the look and breathability of your jacket permanently. Instead of choosing a conditioner that promises to waterproof your leather, choose one that says it will help the leather naturally repel water. This will help you maintain the breathability of your jacket while still making it more comfortable to wear in all weather conditions.

Read up on Reviews
Before you make a purchase, take your time to read up on reviews for each conditioner you’re considering. See what others have to say and check out the pictures they post in their reviews to inspect the quality of the conditioner. If people seem happy with the product, you’ll likely have a similar experience. But if they express concerns about the conditioner, mention off-putting smells, or the pictures show jackets that look less well-kept than they did before the conditioner was used, choose a different product.

Ask Your Leather Care Experts at Jonval
One of the best ways to make sure you’re choosing a leather conditioner that will work for your jacket is to speak with a local leather care specialist like the team at Jonval. They’ll be able to inspect your jacket, identify the key areas of concern, and recommend products that will help you care for your unique piece of clothing. 

Keeping Leather in Good Shape Is Easy
Using leather conditioner correctly is one of the easiest ways to keep your jacket looking like new for years to come. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t feel like you have to go it alone. Contact Jonval Leather and Furs and let our team help you find the right conditioner for your jacket.