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Jonval Leathers and Furs Discusses The Different Types Of Leathers Part Two

In last few blogs Jonval Leathers and Furs discussed all the many factors that affect the quality of leather. In the next few blogs, we will discuss all of the different types of leather than result from the different qualities of leather.

I, for one, had no idea there were so many different types of leather. Last week we talked about aniline leather which is some of the softest leather you will find. It is called aniline leather because of the dye used to alter it. We learned that aniline leather is some of the most expensive leather you can find. We also discussed semi aniline leather and antique leather in last week’s blog. 

In this week’s blog, Jonval Leathers and Furs will discuss the next few types of leather. The next type of leather is called chrome free leather. Chrome free leather is often used for automobile accessories and baby shoes. Leather that is chrome free is much better for the environment. In fact, many governments have called for a move from chrome based tanneries to chrome free tanneries.

These chrome free tanneries use alternative processes instead. These might include vegetable tanning and aldehyde tanning. By using these processes, they ensure that there are no toxic effluents harming the environment.

These tanning processes result in very similar effects as the chrome based tanning. For example, chrome free leather will still have a higher shrink resistance, flexural strength, and more resilience. For this reason, switching to these alternative tanning processes is a win win—it is much better for the environment we live in, and the same qualities remain.

The next logical type of leather we will discuss is chrome tanned leather. This is, of course, the opposite (in a sense) of the chrome free leather we just discussed. This type of leather uses chromium salts, or chromium sulfates to tan the leather instead of vegetable tannins. You can find this leather in items that do not require structural toughness or stiffness. You will often see this leather in such items as jackets, gloves, bags, and upholstery.

This type of leather has similar qualities to that of chrome free, such as being moderately durable, resilient, and supple. However, because it is so supple this means it cannot be stamped or patterned.  This leather also has better water resistance. A variety of dyes can be used with this tanning process. This means the leather can have all sorts of bright colors. 

However, as mentioned above, this tanning process can be quite harmful to the environment and is therefore not preferable. This harm is even more prevalent in third world countries because of the lack of proper recycling systems for the toxic wastewater that results from this process. This toxic wastewater can seep into the groundwater supplies if not properly recycled. This seepage can also affect the soil.

We hope you are enjoying these blogs that explore all the different types of leathers and how they become the pieces that they do. For all your leather and fur needs visit Jonval Leathers and Furs today.